The thing I notice 🤔 the most when at the grocery store is how many are not aware of the foods they are putting into their carts 🛒 . They are always aware of the prices 🤑 Or if trying to lose weight they are aware of the calories and fat grams.
Then there is me 🤓... the one reading every ingredient on the box, skipping past the calories and fat grams. Not caring about the cost that much 🤷🏻♀️, because I'd rather keep a tighter budget on other things just so I can buy good, clean, healthy foods for my family. This is what keeps us alive ❤️, and I'm not going to put a price tag on that! If something cost me $1 or $2 more per item for it to not contain unnecessary chemicals then I'll spend it. Because I know the only reason the other items are cheaper is because they cut corners to give you a 💩 product that cost them less to make!
I wish I could walk through the store with every person 🤗 and help them see the value in being more mindful to what they put in their carts. But you guys know I can't do that! That'd be rude, right 👀 !? So instead I share here 👩🏻💻! I share with my clients in my groups 💪🏼! I do my best to encourage everyone to read ingredients. What's in our foods is what could cause you to live long or die young. It's a scary thought, but look around! It's a real one!
Next time you are at the store to buy bread, crackers, peanut butter, condiments etc... read those ingredients compare it to the organic version then ask yourself... WHY!? 😫 Why does one food contain chemicals, additives, preservatives, artificial stuff and why is the other that cost a little more made with only real foods!? Sometimes spending a few extra bucks on what goes IN your body is more important than spending it on what goes ON your body 👛👜👞👓👠
We started with small changes over a period of time!! So I’m not saying to go from 0 to 30 because I do understand how hard it is, but I’m just saying to allow yourself to be more mindful and make little changes over time ❤️